Ruto Privacy Policy

Effective 28/07/2022


We will not rent or sell or share your information to third parties , except as noted in this policy: We may use user content and your information which is limited to mobile device such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information and actual location of your device and we may use this information to help provide, understand and improve the service, including analytics and the company own service by providing you with a better and more relevant experience. We don't gather sensitive information using authentication information, microphone and camera sensor data, device data, Android ID, and ad usage data. Also added to this: We not transmit or collect Android advertising identifier (AAID), SIM Serial, Build Serial, BSSID, MAC, SSID, IMEI, and/or IMSI from users of any age. We will not request any device phone number requested from TelephonyManager of the Android API.


We work hard to protect our users from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information we hold. In particular: We encrypt many of our services using SSL. We review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against unauthorized access to systems. We restrict access to personal information to our employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations. Even so, no security measure is perfect. This means we cannot guarantee the security of your information and do not assume any responsibility for the unauthorized use or access of information under our control or your control. When is about your control, as user, you must be proactive with your personal account and financial activities and app security by creating passwords which will protect your user account, limit access to your browsers, computer and other accounts and log out of your accounts. Our company would never ask for this information so please if you receive any email, message (not limited to sms) or post regarding sharing this information please report or communicate with us as soon as possible.


TwoHappyCavies is aware that we have ensured up to our most that our app, Ruto, including any APIs or SDKs used, are compliant with the U.S. Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and any other applicable laws or regulations.


Occasionaly we may, in our discretion , make changes to the information contained in this policy. When we make changes to the content of this policy we will provide promient notice with the service, homepage, facebook page and updates of the app sometimes in advance, and your continued use of our app after the changes have been made will constitute your acceptance of the changes. Please make sure you read any such notice carefuly. If you do not wish to continue using the app under the new version of the policy, you may terminate the agreement established by contacting us here


We do not store any credit card information related to in-game purchases as the payment transactions are completed through Google Play (depending on your device) via the personal email address associated with that account.


When contacting our support you'll have the option to share your email address with us. We'll always ask for your consent when sending direct marketing messages to your mobile device. We won't sell or disclose your personal data to third parties for their own commercial purposes.


Ruto, as an app, doesn't use in-app advertising and won't use any kind of permissions to access to external adverts. If you, as a user, find that there is any kind of message, sms, email or website asking for any advertising services in order for the app to work, please report this as soon as possible.


Ruto, as an app, doesn't have any subscriptions from within the app. If you receive a notification, sms, email, message or any other kind of notification regarding a subscription in order for the app to work or to access the app please report this as soon as possible.


We believe that our app, Ruto has content that is accessible to children and is appropriate for children. If our app contains content that is not deemed in a particular region, it won't be available in that region. Ruto, as an app doesn't have any access or promotes material that may endanger children, including the facilitation of child trafficking, grooming, and sextortion. Our app, Ruto doesn't drive a webview of a website or have a primary purpose of driving affiliate traffic to a website, regardless of ownership of the website. Our app, Ruto doesn't have any social media access functionality to share or exchange any information. When is about your control, as user, and you wish to exchange any information from screensharing from Ruto, you must be proactive with your personal and financial information and be aware of the risks that screensharing may involve. Is your responsibility to be aware that TwoHappyCavies doesn't encourage this practice with our app, Ruto; unless determined by competitions or events which will be advised with time and with preapproval from TwoHappyCavies and/or Google Play and its affiliates. Our app, Ruto doesn's display on its UI any sensitive data from users, and at TwoHappyCavies we won't take any requirements or petitions to do so. The UI contents are merely scores and options and no names, last names, second names or nicknames or code names appear on the app at all. No data is displayed on the app while is in use. Ruto, as an app does not facilitate or create workarounds to bypass the FLAG_SECURE settings in other apps. If there is any message or pop out window asking to bypass another app please report as soon as possible.


Ruto, as an app has no restricted parts based on login credentials, sign in details, memberships, location, or other forms of authentication which you not must provide to enable access to our app. TwoHappyCavies won't ask via email or sms or any form of communication for any kind of login credentials, sign in details, memberships or other forms of authentication for you to use our app. If you receive any messages asking for this kind of information please report or communicate with us as soon as possible.


Ruto, as an app, doesn't perform time-based operations outside the lifetime the application. The app, Ruto doesn't perform the following: - Fire Intents at set times and/or intervals. - Doesn't work or will ask for permissions to work in conjunction with broadcast receivers to schedule jobs or WorkRequests to perform other operations. - Doesn't operate outside of the application, and it won't use or ask for permissions to use trigger events or actions even when Ruto as an app is not running, and even if the device itself is asleep. - Doesn't ask for scheduling operations or relies on timers or continuosly running services.


Ruto, as an app doesn't use the VPNService and doesn't have VPN as its core functionality doesn't need access to remote servers in order to work. As Ruto doesn't use VPNService doesn't do the following: - Collect personal and sensitive user data without prominent disclosure and consent. - Redirect or manipulate user traffic from other apps on a device for monetization purposes. - Manipulate ads or display ads .


Ruto app as is distributed via Google Play does not modify, replace, or update itself using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism. Likewise, Ruto app is not built tot download executable code (e.g., dex, JAR, .so files) from a source other than Google Play. The app, ruto doesn't run in indirect access to webview or browser. Ruto does not use code that introduces or exploits security vulnerabilities.


Our app, Ruto won’t make changes to the user’s device settings or features outside of the app. Device settings and features include system and browser settings, bookmarks, shortcuts, icons, widgets, and the presentation of apps on the homescreen. Ruto doesn't: Modify device settings or features as a service to third parties or for advertising purposes. Doesn't ask, encourage or incentivize users to remove or disable third-party apps or modifying device settings or features. TwoHappyCavies will not impersonate any person or organization, or that misrepresent or conceal our ownership or primary purpose. TwoHappyCavies wont engage in coordinated activity to mislead users or coordinate with other apps, sites, developers, or other accounts to conceal or misrepresent developer or app identity or other material details, where app content relates to politics, social issues or matters of public concern. Ruto as an app, doesn't use content related to politics, social issues or matter of public concern. Ruto's content is purely fictional and is not based in any historical, public, politic or ongoing matter. Ruto's characters are purely fictional and are not based on any living or exisiting person, or represent any public, private or historical figure. Any resemblances to a living or deceased person are purely concidential. Ruto's content is not insensitive toward a sensitive event with significant social, cultural, or political impact (e.g. civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, conflicts, deaths, or other tragic events).


At TwoHappyCavies we strive to provide a safe Android ecosystem for our users and their Android devices. We don't use any code that could put a user, a user's data, or a device at risk. We do our best to avoid Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs), binaries, or framework modifications, consisting of categories such as trojans, phishing, and spyware apps, and we are continuously updating and adding new categories following Google's malware updates and these will be reflected on this document and our existing apps. TwoHappyCavies won't do the following: - Compromise the integrity of the user's device. - Gain control over a user's device. - Enable remote-controlled operations for an attacker to access, use, or otherwise exploit an infected device. - Transmit personal data or credentials off the device without adequate disclosure and consent. - Disseminate spam or commands from the infected device to affect other devices or networks. - Defraud the user.